5 Reviews on “The Gifts of Celtic Shamanism with Jane Burns”

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  • directory2tmbs Listing Owner

    “… allowed me to be the best I can be, for myself, my family, and the planet.”

    I have been seeking Jane’s wisdom and attending her varied and creative workshops on and off since 2006. Shamanism allows me to live spiritually and peacefully in my everyday reality. You can practice as much or as little as you want, but even a little healing work has a major effect on your soul and your world. With Jane’s gentle and insightful guidance, shamanic healing has allowed me to be the best I can be, for myself, my family, and the planet. I am so grateful and full of joy, I could burst!.

    — Carrie R.

  • directory2tmbs Listing Owner

    “… helped me to gently understand what blocks me from going to the next level in pursuing my heart’s desires.”

    In my opinion, Jane Burns is passionately devoted to helping people identify and release the energy patterns and blocks to their own creativity. She has helped me to gently understand what blocks me from going to the next level in pursuing my heart’s desires.

    — James B.

  • directory2tmbs Listing Owner

    “… the archetypal ‘Wounded Healer’ who has returned to help others on their healing journey.”

    Jane is the kind of person who would be a “Shaman” even if she had never heard of it or trained in any way — because it is in the core of her true nature. However, it’s clear that her talents have been honed by one of the best teachers of all: the experience of her own journey through illness and recovery. Jane is the archetypal “Wounded Healer” who has returned to help others on their healing journey.

    — Eric L.

  • directory2tmbs Listing Owner

    “… [Jane’s] shamanic work is deeply enriched by her own spiritual practices of contemporary Celtic traditions.”

    I highly recommend Jane Burns’ programs and trainings in Celtic Shamanism. Jane brings a broad knowledge of Celtic myth and lore to her teaching, and her shamanic work is deeply enriched by her own spiritual practices of contemporary Celtic traditions. Over the years, she has inspired many people with her memorable teaching, ceremonies, and rituals.

    — Tom Cowan, PhD, Author of Fire in the Head and Yearning for the Wind

  • directory2tmbs Listing Owner

    “Jane’s teaching is truly brilliant.”

    Jane Burns is a remarkable shamanic teacher and writer. Her clarity and the depth of her wisdom and experiences is such a guiding force for anyone looking for spiritual tools to navigate the changing world we are living in. Anyone who takes a course with Jane Burns or reads her work will receive practices and a spiritual foundation to reconnect with oneself, nature, and all of life. Jane’s teaching is truly brilliant.”

    — Sandra Ingerman, MA, awarded author of 12 books on shamanism, including The Book of Ceremony, and an internationally renowned teacher of shamanism.

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