1 Reviews on “Unlock Your Emotional Freedom - Hire a Certified Emotion Code Practitioner”

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  • I have thoroughly enjoyed working with Certified Emotion Code Practitioner Linda Armstrong. She is an excellent muscle tester who can clearly get to the root of trapped emotions and whether they are inherited. She holds a very neutral, matter fact, nonjudgemental position while doing the calibrations.

    I’ve been trying to get to the root cause of recurring themes and patterns in my life to no avail until I came across The Emotion Code.

    I have experienced significant shifts in consciousness.

    I am no longer triggered or resistant to things in the way I was used to and people respond to me differently in a good way.

    I experience a lightness of being on a more consistent basis.

    The roller coaster of feelings and doubts have evened out significantly and almost gone.

    I highly recommend Linda when you are ready to remove your Heart Wall and any other issues you want to resolve..

    Thank you, Linda!

    I look forward to sharing my experience of The Body Code work we are doing now….stay tuned!

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