About Our Energy Healers & Energy Healing Practitioner Directory

Energy Healing Directory of Energy healers & Energy Medicine PractitionersAre you looking for energy healers and alternative energy healing practitioners? The Mind Body Spirit Network brings together alternative and holistic health practitioners in the field of energy medicine.

Dr. Oz says energy healing is the new medicine. As energy healing is still a burgeoning alternative approach to healing it can still be difficult to find an energy healer in certain parts of the country.

Energy medicine is a practice that can be administered remotely. Find an energy healer that works in person or remotely here.

The Mind Body Spirit Network is an alternative online business directory for practitioners of alternative health, holistic health and  a wide variety of energy medicine modalities and practitioners, including, but not limited to:

  • Reiki Practitioners
  • Theta Healers
  • Chakra Healing & Balancing
  • Pranic Healing Practitioners
  • GATE Method Healers
  • IET or Integrated Energy Therapists (aka Angel Therapy)

(See links to all of our energy healers below.)

We are also a conscious community of energy healers and expert contributors of content to our energy healer and energy medicine blogs, High Vibe Tribe VIdeo Book Reviews and High Vibe Tribe TV .

Interested in becoming an energy healer? Check out our FREE Online Events on the topic of energy medicine and energy healing below. You can also peruse our Lighthouse Library of Online Energy Healing Courses or related online courses.


Energy Healer Shaman: Shamanic Reiki, Limpias, Curandera


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