IMPORTANT NOTE: Month-to-month subscriptions are NO LONGER available! Search marketing is a long-term investment strategy, not a quick fix. There is no short-term fix to search. This is a search-driven directory.
STEP 4: If you’ve got this far, then you have successfully created your account
STEP 5: Select a Pricing Package Then Fill Out Your Business Listing Form

After you choose your pricing package, you can fill out your business listing or blog post.
You don’t have to complete it all today, as there is a significant amount of content you may want to consider.
You can always get started with your listing and come back and add to or edit at any time.
I HIGHLY RECOMMEND creating a Word document with the information you want to include on your listing page or blog post. Save it all on a Word document, then copy and paste the information when you’re ready.
ANOTHER IMPORTANT NOTE: After you create a Member Directory Account, you can come back and log in to your account, edit and view your listings, and add more listings or blog posts. All Member login links can be found at the bottom of the page in the Footer > DIRECTORY MEMBERS (Scroll to the bottom of this page so that you become familiar with this section, 3rd column from the left)
Be Sure to Select the Radio Button (just below) for the Membership Package You Want
If you don’t see a business listing form below, you must first LOGIN to your account or REGISTER for a new account. (See buttons below) You will then be redirected back to this listing form page to continue.