Submit Your Business Listing to Our of Directory Holistic Business Services

Holistic Business Services

Is this directory right for you?

This directory for mindful and holistic business services includes, but is not limited to:

  • Accounting Services
  • Bookkeeping Services,
  • Graphic Design,
  • Holistic Business Consultants & Coaches,
  • Holistic Marketing Services,
  • Holistic Website Design,
  • Insurance Agencies
  • Legal Services,
  • Online Marketing Services,
  • Personal Branding,
  • Technology & Systems Services
  • Virtual Assistances

and more!

Add your business listing to this directory today!

STEP 2: Select a Pricing Package


  • Comprehensive Listing Page
  • 5 Tabs of Content to Enhance Your Search Results
  • Image Uploads & Video Embed Capability
  • Google Analytics – Watch Your Listing Traffic
  • Ratings & Reviews show up on Google searches to enhance clickability
  • State-of-the-Art SEO so you get found locally—usually above your own website! (depends on whether your website is SEO optimized or not)
  • Visibilty Beyond Local Search in 5 Categories
  • Valuable Online Marketing Lessons to Grow Your Business
  • NA
  • NA
  • NA
  • NA
  • NA
  • NA
  • NA

Lock In 2 Years!

  • Comprehensive Listing Page
  • 5 Tabs of Content to Enhance Your Search Results
  • Image Uploads & Video Embed Capability
  • Google Analytics – Watch Your Listing Traffic
  • Ratings & Reviews show up on Google searches to enhance clickability
  • State-of-the-Art SEO so you get found locally—usually above your own website! (depends on whether your website is SEO optimized or not)
  • Visibilty Beyond Local Search in 5 Categories
  • Valuable Online Marketing Lessons to Grow Your Business
  • 1 FREE Blog Post Submission ($50+ Value)— drive traffic and leads from a value-driven blog post!
  • BONUS #1: “FEATURED” Member Designation
  • BONUS #2: Inclusion in at least 1 email newsletter to our consistently growing base list of 3,000+ subscribers
  • NA
  • NA
  • NA
  • NA

*Listing pages that are SEO optimized for search engines typically perform best! (We’re SEO experts after all!?!)

If you choose this option, we will do some “light” SEO keyword research and provide a content writing strategy for your listing page. You write the content based on our recommendations, we optimize the content for search, create optimized images with appropriate alt tags, fine-tune the design of your listing page, and fill out SEO metadata so you get found in local searches.